Commit to daily prayer, making time to seek God and listen to Him. Scroll down to for resources for both families and individuals.
Every Week
We long to see prayer happening right across our community! You can join or start a Prayer Huddle at home, work, at the school-gate or even online. It could be 15 minutes each week, it could be one hour!
Every Month
On the first Sunday of each month, we’ll gather as a church for a central prayer meeting, uniting our hearts and voices to worship and to seek God’s Kingdom together. These dates are:
Sunday 6th October
Sunday 3rd November
Sunday 1st December
Pray Through
We’ve created a beautiful resource to help you Pray Through the New Year! As our 100 Days of Prayer comes to a close, we want to take this moment to re-centre our hearts on God — releasing what we need to leave behind in 2024 and stepping into the new year rooted in His presence and promises. This 7-day resource will guide you with daily prompts and activities to help you pause, reflect and anticipate.

The P.R.A.Y. Method
P.R.A.Y. method offers a simple yet profound structure to deepen that experience. Whether you have 15 minutes or longer, this approach invites you to engage meaningfully with Jesus.

Blessing our Families
If you are a parent, carer or grandparent, you have spiritual authority over your household and power to speak blessing into the lives of your children and grandchildren. Over the next 100 days, it is our prayer that we join together to daily bless our children. We’ve written a resource to guide you as you bless your children this week!
How do I go on a Prayer Walk?
Whether you go by yourself, with your family or as community contending for your street, town or city, it’s as simple as it sounds – you pray as you walk. Going on a prayer walk is a great way to get outside and connect with the Creator and His creation.

Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is a practice that invites us to engage with scripture in a prayerful way. By slowing down and meditating on God’s word, we listen for His voice and allow the Bible to shape our prayers.