Welcome to our Week of Prayer at Causeway Coast Vineyard. This week, we’re seeking a fresh outpouring of God’s presence and power in our lives, our church, the North Coast, and beyond. As we pray, we are preparing the way for God to move, just as Isaiah 40 calls us to “make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Prayer is more than a practice; it’s the heartbeat of a people committed to God’s purposes, aligning with His will and inviting His transformative power into our world.
This booklet is here to guide and inspire you as we seek God together. We encourage you to carve out time each day to connect with Jesus, practise the rhythms and pray through each day’s focus.
Let’s approach this week with expectant hearts, trusting that as we prepare the way through prayer, God will move powerfully, bringing renewal, healing, and hope to our lives and our community. Together, let’s grow as people of prayer, becoming more like Jesus each day.
We have created a beautiful booklet to guide you through our week of prayer. Physical copies will be available from church on Sunday 15th or throughout the week or you can download a PDF version below.

All Day
PRAYER ROOM: Our Prayer Room is open everyday between 7am-7:30pm, offering a space with thoughtfully designed stations to help you engage in prayer. Come and set aside time to encounter Jesus, and allow Him to prepare your heart and life for God to move.
WORSHIP & PRAYER: On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we’ll gather at 7am for 30 minutes of worship and prayer to commit our days to Jesus. TOWN HALL: On Tuesday and Thursday we will take our prayers to the streets, asking God to move powerfully in our town. Meet at 6:30am by the Town Hall.
PRAYER ZOOM: Take a 15-minute pause at lunch to join us in prayer on Zoom at 12:15pm. One of our team will guide you through a practice to help you connect with Jesus in the middle of your day. Zoom link (not live until Monday 16th): www.causewaycoastvineyard.com/prayerzoom
PRAYER WALK: Meet in the foyer at CCV at 12:30pm as we set out on a prayer walk towards Coleraine to pray for our neighbourhood. HEALING ON THE STREETS: Healing on the Streets will be available outside the Town Hall in Coleraine on Friday, between 12:30-1:30pm. You are welcome to join us if you would like to receive or pray for healing.
FAMILY PRAYER SPACE: We’ve created a space where families can pray, worship, and grow in faith side by side. With fun crafts and engaging activities, you’ll discover creative ways to draw closer to each other and to Jesus. Come along and use the space after school, anytime between 2-7pm.
PROPHECY SLOTS: Sign up for a prophecy slot on Tuesday or Thursday if you’d love our team to pray for you and share what they sense Jesus might be saying. Sign up opening Weds 11th Sept.
PRAYER GATHERINGS: Each evening at 7:30pm we’ll gather to pray with a specific focus. On Monday, we’ll start the week with a ‘Vision for the Season’ night. Our leaders will share more about the direction we are moving as a church, which will help us align our prayers throught the week. On Friday, we’ll close the week with a worship celebration. It will be a beautiful time to thank God and celebrate all that He has done.