Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a practice that invites us to engage with scripture in a prayerful way. By slowing down and meditating on God’s word, we listen for His voice and allow the Bible to shape our prayers. To practice, follow these four steps:

Choose a passage in the Bible and slowly read it several times. If you don’t know where to start, why not begin with Psalm 23? Notice any words or phrases that stand out. Don’t rush; let the words sink in.

Meditate on the passage, and consider what God might be saying to you. Reflect on how these words connect with your life right now.

Turn your reflection into prayer, and begin to talk to God about what you’ve read and what it means to you. You might ask for guidance, give thanks, or express any feelings or thoughts that arose during your reflection.

Sit quietly in God’s presence. Let go of thoughts and simply be with God, resting in His love.

If you would like to follow a guided prayer, you may wish to listen to Lectio Divina prayers on the Lectio365 app. Run by 24/7 Prayer, it has brilliant daily resources to help you slow down and rest in the presence of Jesus through scripture and silence.