Smallgroups at CCV
.Small Groups are where we all have the opportunity to grow – in our faith, in community with others and in our relationship with Jesus.
At Causeway Coast Vineyard, we focus on a number of areas that we believe we can each grow in as we seek to become all that God has created us to be. These building blocks are: ‘Loving Deeply’, ‘Kingdom Identified’, ‘Freedom Carrying’, ‘Purpose Filled’, ‘Renewed Priorities’, ‘Outwardly Multiplying’, ‘Impossibly Certain’, ‘Open Handed’.
We have categorised our Small Groups into the areas outlined so that we can be intentional about choosing where we want to grow in each season. Throughout our journey with Jesus, our hope is to grow in every area – each one is dependent on the others, and all are of equal value. Becoming who God has called us to be is a lifelong adventure!
Watch the video to find out more, and read about all these areas in our ‘Growing’ resource here.
Smallgroups run termly, launching in September, January and April.
We encourage you to consider where it is that you would love to grow this term!
Browse through all available groups below, or go directly to the Small Group site below.