How do I go on a Prayer Walk?

Whether you go by yourself, with your family or as community contending for your street, town or city, it’s as simple as it sounds – you pray as you walk. Going on a prayer walk is a great way to get outside and connect with the Creator and His creation:

Set a time – Decide as an individual or a group to dedicate a time, day or night to walk and pray. You can get out and walk around the block for 10 minutes or spend the day in the mountains – you decide! We encourage you to set a rhythm and meet weekly or when you can

Plan your route – you can walk your neighbourhood praying for your street, walk circles round your town centre praying for the businesses who inhabit it, or walk by the sea or in the forest, fixing your eyes and attention on the God who made it all.

Invite God’s Presence – As you begin your walk, take a moment to invite God’s presence into your journey. As you walk, be open to the sights, sounds, and feelings around you. Let them inspire your prayers, whether you’re thanking God for the beauty of nature or interceding for the people and places you encounter.

Pray for Specific Needs – Use your time on the walk to pray for specific needs in your community. You can pray for families in your neighbourhood, schools, local leaders, or anyone you meet. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers, listening for prompts and ideas as you move.

So lace up your shoes, step outside and get praying!