The P.R.A.Y. Method

The P.R.A.Y. method offers a simple yet profound structure to deepen that experience. Whether you have 15 minutes or longer, this approach invites you to engage meaningfully with Jesus. Let’s break it down:

P – Pause
To start we must stop. In our fast-paced world, taking a moment to pause can feel challenging, but it’s essential. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. This moment of silence allows you to recenter your thoughts and become aware of God’s presence. Embrace the stillness, try not to rush through the silence.

R – Rejoice
Next, shift your focus to gratitude. Before bringing your requests to God, take time to rejoice in what you already have. Thank Him for the blessings in your life—big and small. This practice of gratitude not only uplifts your spirit but also opens your heart to receive even more from God.

A – Ask
Now it’s time to bring your needs and desires before God. Ask for His guidance, help, and intervention in your life and the lives of others. Pray for His kingdom to come—aligning your requests with His will and purpose. This step is about expressing your heart while seeking a deeper understanding of God’s plans.

Y – Yield
The final step is surrender. Yielding to God means letting go of your own agenda and trusting in His perfect timing and wisdom. It’s in this act of surrender that we find true freedom, holding nothing too tightly. By emptying ourselves, we create space for God to fill us with His peace, strength, and direction.